PRODUCTS, Books, Tools and Electrical Test Equipment.
We try to ensure that are candidates get everything they need in order to be able to complete their training successfully with out the added headache of trying to source electrical technical books, electricians tools and electrical test equipment that they will need throughout their training and further into their chosen careers. With this in mind we have created this page as a linked resource page that will connect you to what we consider are the best deals out there. We would emphasise however that these are external sites and we can not accept any responsibility for the products purchased. Although we have researched this extensively will still can not guarantee that these are the cheapest electrical books, cheapest electrical tools or cheapest electrical equipment in the world.

Essential for 17th Edition Course. The book is used in the exam, therefore all candidates attending must have their own copy.
Essential for Part P Course. Both Defined and Full Scope Part P courses require an understanding of the wiring regulations. This book will give you that understanding. The book is used in the exam, therefore all candidates attending must have their own copy.

Essential for 2391 Inspection and Test Course. Although it is a closed book exam, this book is used extensively in Pre-Course study and throughout the course, therefore all candidates attending must have their own copy.

This book is required for the PAT Testing Course. It is a standard code of practice and is used throughout the course and during the theory exam.

Guidance Note 1:
Selection and Erection gives guidance and outlines on the correct selection and installation methods

Guideance Note 2:
Isolation and Switching
is an essential guide and reference manual on this sometimes confusing aspect of BS7671 wiring regulations.

Guidance Note 4:
Protection against Fire is an essential guide and reference manual on this key safety aspect of BS7671 wiring regulations.

Guidance Note 5:
Protection against Electric Shock is an essential guide and reference manual on this key safety aspect of BS7671 wiring regulations.

Guidance Note 5:
Protection against Over Current is an essential guide and reference manual on this key safety aspect of BS7671 wiring regulations.

Guidance Note 7: Special Locations provides a comprehensive guide to the various special locations and installations for which additions measurers are required to comply with BS 767

Guidance Note 8: Earthing and Bonding provides a comprehensive guide to this subject. The book is a key is a guide on these aspects of BS 7671

The Electrician's Guide to Emergency Lighting is concerned with emergency lighting and in particular emergency escape lighting and must be read in conjunction with the legislation: Approved Document B and the British Standards, in particular BS 5266.

The Electrician's Guide to the Building Regulations will ensure domestic installers not only comply with Part P, but also with other Building Regulations, including Fire Safety, Ventilation and Conservation of Energy.

The Electrical Installation Design Guide: Calculations for Electricians and Designers provides step-by-step guidance on the design of electrical installations, from domestic installation final circuit design to fault level calculations for LV/large LV systems. Apprentices and trainees will find it very helpful in carrying out the calculations necessary for a basic installation.
It has also been prepared to provide a design sequence, calculations and data for a complete design to be carried out. It is intended to include all necessary cable and equipment data to carry out the calculations. Consultants will be able to check the calculations of their design packages. It includes calculations and necessary reference data not found in the design packages, such as cable conductor and sheath temperatures and allowances for harmonics.

The Electrician’s Guide to Fire Detection and Alarm Systems is one of a number of publications prepared by the IET to provide guidance on electrical installations in buildings. This publication is concerned with fire detection and fire alarm systems and must be read in conjunction with the legislation, Approved Document B and the British Standards, in particular BS 5839-1 and 5839-6.

Relevant to all work activities and premises except mines, quarries, certain offshore installations and particular ships. Intended to assist dutyholders in meeting the regulatory requirements, it will be of interest and practical help primarily to engineers (including those involved in design, construction, operation or maintenance of electrical systems and equipment), technicians and their managers.
Electrical Tools
A full and complete range of electricians tools will soon be available from this page.
Electrical Testing Equipment

A full range of Kewtech Test Equipment will soon be available from this page.